The Qs of life 2#10 tolerance

How dose tolerance have to do with control? Why did it take you so log to get this post out? When will the next post be?

Fist of all I’ll glad to say I”m happy to be back on . What a rude thought “Why did it take you so log to get this post out? When will the next post be? ” I know some of you are thinking this right? Well when owning a lot of sights its complicated to be up to date on all of them.And the next post will be about in a day or to hopefully. Now back to the subject.

How dose tolerance have to do with control?

Tolerance is a thing a lot of us have problems on some to strict about and some to loose. Tolerance can not be easily learned first you have to find out what one you are. to find out look to the people under you and see if there (forgive me for saying this) pussy footing around or if they are misrible. If its the first your to loose you need to learn to be a little more strict as in rules or punishments. If your b then be a little looser like let them have more freedom. Ya i know this seems like it wold be easy but it isnt easy to break old habits BUT yes i did say but if you can correct your tolorance every one will be as happy as can be. Thank you for your time and talk to you next time.

p.s. Remember that i will answer any Q you have just email me at also if you dont want your problem posted then just say so.

Agent Foxx

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